Boris Siomin, Founder of ElvenLand Pours out his Heart
At times, we come to know the vision and aspirations of someone through an open interview, carried out in a relaxed atmosphere.
On 30 October 2021, I participated in an interview, alongside ElvenLand Founder Boris Siomin. This interview was carried out through Zoom, coordinated by Hemanth Kumar.
The focus was on what is his vision on ElvenLand. The first point Boris mentioned is that ElvenLand allows people to create something in order to benefit themselves, by fulfilling their hopes. In this case, the Elvenlanders (members) can create and pursue their projects, in form of tokens like AMIKO etc.
Working with ElvenLand, according to Boris, is not to make profit, but to realise the hopes and ambitions and be able to live a positive life. But being part of ElvenLand gives the people the chance to interact on a global scale, which is the concept of Virtual State, which the company is pursuing.
According to him, the focal concept is that of crowd funding. Rather than having investors, the project hinges on the concept of crowd funding, where many people contribute their funds to the success of their collective vision.
He is against working with investors, who bring in many terms and conditions, forcing the creative people to abandon their original vision. However, he is not totally against investors. No. His point is that investors should first join the Elvenland team, then invest as much as they can, even up to $1 million.
Asked about the possibility of people earning profit, he said, “Maybe they will make profit.” According to him profit is an extra bonus. The real deal is being creating and living our hopes. He added that profit is guaranteed to large companies which are in the advertising business such as Google and Facebook.
However, he believes that ElvenLand gives people the opportunity of freelancing, where they invest their efforts, labour and time.
One great advantage of ElvenLand is that, it gives people an opportunity to make their portfolios from 26 tokens, all in one umbrella project. This is because ElvenLand has 26 tokens, each with its own project team.
Responding to a question on where ElvenLand will be in the next 2 years, Boris said, “My focus is to see ElvenLand in every land in the world.”
And according to him the virtual state of ElvenLand is very simple to achieve. For instance, when people from all over the world meet in a Zoom meeting, they become part of the Virtual State we are already in. With this, it’s not difficult to create and sustain a virtual state.
In fact, ElvenLand will achieve the virtual state because it is following a simple roadmap, with no complications and utopian targets.
Asked whether ElvenLand had achieved something, Mashell Chapeyama said that it has. Bringing people from all corners of the land together to meet virtually is a big achievement.
Probably ElvenLand has achieved a big feat already. We have a large team of over 28 people who believe in one vision which they are pursuing. And in the process, they learn from each other.
Interestingly, the competency they are getting will be transferred to other projects or spheres of life. Is that not a big achievement?
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